A list of publications using the Open FUSION Toolkit. To be added to this list please open an issue or create a pull request.
- S. Guizzo et al., Electromagnetic System Conceptual Design for a Negative Triangularity Tokamak, arXiv 2501.14682 (2025)
- J. F. Parisi et al., Doubling fusion power with volumetric optimization in magnetic confinement fusion devices, Physical Review Research 7 013139 (2025)
- C. Hansen et al., ThinCurr: An open-source 3D thin-wall eddy current modeling code for the analysis of large-scale systems of conducting structures, arXiv 2412.14962 (2024)
- A. O. Nelson et al., First access to ELM-free negative triangularity at low aspect ratio, Nuclear Fusion 64, 124004 (2024)
- M. Pharr et al., Error Field Predictability and Consequences for ITER, Nuclear Fusion 64, 126025 (2024)
- S. Guizzo et al., Assessment of vertical stability for negative triangularity pilot plants, Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion 66, 065018 (2024)
- V. A. Izzo et al., Boundary condition effects on Runaway Electron Mitigation Coil modeling for the SPARC and DIII-D tokamaks, Nuclear Fusion 64, 066003 (2024)
- C. Hansen et al., TokaMaker: An open-source time-dependent Grad-Shafranov tool for the design and modeling of axisymmetric fusion devices, Compututer Physics Communications 289, 109111 (2024)
- A. Battey et al., Design of passive and structural conductors for tokamaks using thin-wall eddy current modeling, Nuclear Fusion 64, 016010 (2023)
Publications using predecessor codes
- S. Banerjee et al., Investigating the role of edge neutrals in exciting tearing mode activity and achieving flat temperature profiles in LTX-β, Nuclear Fusion 64, 046026 (2024)
- A. Maan et al., Estimates of global recycling coefficients for LTX-β discharges, Physics of Plasmas 31, 022505 (2024)
- D. Boyle et al., Extending the low-recycling, flat temperature profile regime in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment-β (LTX-β) with ohmic and neutral beam heating, Nuclear Fusion 63, 056020 (2023)
- A. Maan et al., Improved neutral and plasma density control with increasing lithium wall coatings in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment-β (LTX-β), Nuclear Materials and Energy 35, 101408 (2023)
- R. Chandra et al., An Optical-Input Maximum Likelihood Estimation Feedback System Demonstrated on Tokamak Horizontal Equilibrium Control, Fusion Engineering and Design 191, 113565 (2023)
- S. Banerjee et al., Feasibility study of a high spatial and time resolution beam emission spectroscopy diagnostic for localized density fluctuation measurements in Lithium Tokamak eXperiment-β (LTX-β), Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 113523 (2022)
- W. Capecchi et al., Neutral beam prompt loss in LTX-β, Nuclear Fusion 61, 126014 (2021)
- J. Brooks et al., Suppression of MHD modes with active phase-control of probe-injected currents, Nuclear Fusion 61, 096017 (2021)
- P. Hughes et al., Toroidal plasma acceleration due to NBI fast ion losses in LTX-β, Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion 63, 085020 (2021)
- D. Sutherland et al., Driven resonant current amplification in self-organized plasma configurations with uniform λ and plasma pressure confinement, Physics of Plasmas 28, 022507 (2021)
- T. Benedett et al., Effect of geometric and magnetic boundary conditions on magnetic islands in 3D force-free ideal MHD equilibria, Nuclear Fusion 61 036022 (2021)
- A. Maan et al., Oxidation of lithium plasma facing components and its effect on plasma performance in the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment-β, Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion 63, 025007 (2021)
- A. Kaptanoglu et al., Two-temperature effects in Hall-MHD simulations of the HIT-SI Experiment, Physics of Plasmas 27, 072505 (2020)
- D. Elliot et al., Initial Results from the newly upgraded LTX-β, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 27, 6:1382-1387 (2020)
- T. Benedett et al., Effects of temperature and density evolution in MHD simulations of HIT-SI, Physics of Plasmas 27, 042508 (2020)
- P. Hughes et al., Magnetic Perturbation Diagnostics in the High-Temperature, Lithiated Environment of LTX-β, Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 10J104 (2018)
- D. Boyle et al., Observation of flat electron temperature profiles in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment, Physical Review Letters 119, 015001 (2017)
- J. Levesque et al., Measurement of scrape-off-layer current dynamics during MHD activity and disruptions in HBT-EP, Nuclear Fusion 57, 086035 (2017)
- C. Hansen et al., Equilibrium reconstruction with 3D eddy currents in the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment, Physics of Plasmas 24, 042513 (2017)
- R. Majeski et al., Compatibility of lithium plasma-facing surfaces with high edge temperatures in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment, Physics of Plasmas 24, 056110 (2017)
- C. Hansen et al., Numerical studies and metric development for validation of magnetohydrodynamic models on the HIT-SI experiment, Physics of Plasmas 22, 056105 (2015)
- C. Hansen et al., Simulation of injector dynamics during steady inductive helicity injection current drive in the HIT-SI experiment, Physics of Plasmas 22, 042505 (2015)
- B. Victor et al., Development of validation metrics using biorthogonal decomposition for the comparison of magnetic field measurements, Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion 57, 045010 (2015)
- C. Hansen, MHD Modeling in Complex 3D Geometries: Towards Predictive Simulation of SIHI Current Drive, PhD Thesis: U. Washington (2014)
- T. Jarboe et al., A Proof of Principle of Imposed Dynamo Current Drive: Demonstration of Sufficient Confinement, Fusion Science & Technology 66, 3 (369-384) (2014)
- B. Victor et al., Sustained spheromaks with ideal n=1 kink stability and pressure confinement, Physics of Plasmas 21, 082504 (2014)
- J. Wrobel et al., Relaxation-time measurement via a time-dependent helicity balance model, Physics of Plasmas 20, 012503 (2013)
- T. Jarboe et al., Imposed-dynamo current drive, Nuclear Fusion 52, 083017 (2012)
- B. Victor et al., Evidence for Separatrix Formation and Sustainment with Steady Inductive Helicity Injection, Physical Review Letters 16, 165005 (2011)